Thursday, February 24, 2011

...and goodbye

My final walk-through of the house.
I wasn't going to post that last shot of me in front of the house, because I look totally dishevelled. But that's what moving does to you. So I guess it is a pretty accurate self-portrait.

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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

First Home

Lots of good, whole-hearted living has happened within and just outside these walls. Our feet have touched every inch of space. Our children have learned to walk on these floors. Tiny toy cars have driven and mapped every floor, wall, and window sill. Little hands have covered all surfaces up to three feet high. This kitchen has cooked many meals, and been dirtied and cleaned many times over. These walls have heard much talking, crying, and laughing. There has been so much work and play, stress and relaxation, struggles and joy. We have brought two babies home, we have shared our space with friends and family, we have changed rooms around more times than I can count, and we have grown. In so many ways we have grown. This place holds many memories, and it will be bitter-sweet to say goodbye, because we sure did fit a whole lot of living into the time that we were here.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


I had to count how many items were in the last load of laundry I folded. 92! Yes, 92 little, tiny things to be folded and sorted: 16 miniature washcloths, 5 orphan socks...amongst many other various sizes of clothing. It wasn't a double load like the one pictured below, just a regular basket. But I thought I'd include this common scene in our living room...and a little something else I'm longing for: the smell of wind and sun dried clothes....ah Summer, I miss you.
Is it just me, or is piling laundry always one step ahead of you, and never actually caught up?

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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

window seat

Ander set himself up to watch the old van being towed away. One day I'd love to set up one of those window benches under one of our windows. It would be the perfect place to cozy up with a blanket and a book.
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Saturday, February 5, 2011

his space

He'll spend hours in this little space of his own: hours of reading, imagining, talking, and singing. I love hearing him from downstairs and then going upstairs to get him, and seeing how he's set up all his toys... or how huge the mess will be.
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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

staying in

We've had to keep busy with lots of indoor activity during this long, cold winter. Today it was baking muffins. I even let Anderson do most of it himself. Despite the big mess of batter, it was easily wiped up and he was so proud. Sometimes it seems easier and tidier to just do things yourself, but in the end it was so worth it to let him do it. This muffin pan was my Nonni's, it is so wonderful to have that connection to her as Anderson and I bake together.
The winter issue of Rhythm of the Home, has many winter activity ideas, indoors and out. Yes, I need to work on more outside time. But I just love staying in.
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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

on the wall - reworked

...and John made a little change to my winter wall hanging.
Here's another peak at what we're packing up for...

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