We missed an official 7 month portrait, and this one can't really count for that since we are only a week shy of 8 months! I managed to clean my room well enough that this couch (which is usually covered in clothes) was clear and ready for a little photo shoot. Lochlan kept trying to roll right off, so I had to make it quick and just grab a few shots. I was taking advantage of them both awake and in a good mood, but I didn't have an extra set of hands to help.
The time is flying, and I love to frequently look back at their itty bitty selves in the newborn photos that I took. What is with newborn photos? ... and how they make a perfectly sane person get crazy thoughts about wanting to go through it all again and have anther baby!
They first 8 months have been relatively manageable, but things are picking up in the chaotic department. They are awake a lot more, and eating solids, so there is more to squeeze into the routine every day. They are still not mobile other than rolling and spinning around on their tummies. I'm okay with waiting a bit longer for crawling. Since we can adjust their age back to 6 and a half months, due to them being early, there still may be some time before the crawling is in full force. They are getting pretty good and sitting, and babbling, and even fighting over toys with each other.

L & E
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