Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween party

One of the families from Anderson's class hosted a Halloween party this past weekend. At one point all the kids were doing an activity and Maeva was nowhere to be found, then I found her under the table alone. But then I noticed a big cat, she just wanted to hang out with the cat, so cute. They had so much fun getting all excited for Halloween. And it was nice to put some faces to his new friends and their families.

Pumpkin patch round two

This was a field trip with Best Start, so just Maeva this year. It wasn't exactly an ideal fall day. The wagon ride felt a lot more like a sleigh ride. Maeva liked picking out her own little pumpkin. But she definitely didn't like being all bundled up and kept saying "my face is cold!".

She really doesn't like feeling cold at all. She's only happy when she's "cozy". Cozy fleece pajamas, no dresses, always long sleeves on this girl and usually with sweaters on top. She will only consider dresses if there are jeans underneath. I put out her clothes each night only to find that she has put them back and chosen something else for herself. Her favourite line is, "that dress is yucky!".


One day we are eating dinner outside (most likely the last of the year) and a few days later...snow on our pumpkins!