Thursday, December 9, 2010

9 - photoshoot

So the holiday photoshoot is done and printed and making it's way onto cards. Here's a peek at it, well...kind of.
Now, imagine two little ones in front of a blanket that is lighlty taped to the fireplace, me holding the camera in one hand, trying to get their attention by not having my face pressed up behind a camera (there's no viewing on the screen while shooting - think viewfinder only, so I just hope I can keep them in the frame), and I'm trying to keep them on the backdrop and wishing the darn backdrop won't fall down.
And I think I had a sore throat and face, from all the crazy sounds, talking, faces and gestures I made to get everything just right. They are lucky that their photomom sets up her lights and does this only once a year. I know, I should do it more, I shouldn't.
This particular shot was a nice accident. She just made it in the frame, just exactly enough that I couldn't imagine this photo any other way.
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