Thursday, February 7, 2013

Celebrating 3 and 5

We celebrated both kids' birthdays on Saturday the 19th, because they are born on the 17th and 22nd.  I was so worried about going into labour and having to cancel.  It was a small party with their cousin Nigel and each one friend, sisters Emmy and Eva.  I was having contractions the whole day on Friday while baking their cakes.  The contractions let up on Saturday, and we had a nice party.  I went to bed and was woken at 3am with closer contractions at 5 minutes apart. By 5:30am, we made the decision to go to the hospital.  The rest of the birth story to follow...but here's one detail, we now have birthdays on the 17th, 20th & 22nd, oh my!

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1 comment:

  1. You are my hero! Birthday party for two little kids while having contractions for your twins!

    It's really neat that all your kids birthdays are so close. You can have a week of celebrations ending in one super party! :o)

    Hope all is going well with your new baby boys!
