Wednesday, February 29, 2012

play room

The winter is much too long here, we needed another place in the house to go, instead of having to bundle up and defrost the car for a change of scenery. Yes, sometimes we make it outside, but ideally just going to a different floor is about all I can handle most days. So I set up a little playroom downstairs. I've kept it a bit minimalist, to keep the chaos levels and mess levels to a minimum. In a separate room is the "toy library", so that everything isn't out at once. Nothing worse than 100s of little pieces to be sorted and picked up!

I also think, it is best to keep running and jumping superheros and flying hockey pucks out of the living room and more in the basement, where that kind of stuff doesn't bother me as much. And the room is self contained and child-safe, so I can sneak upstairs to get them a snack (aka standing by the coffee machine chugging 6 cups of coffee, opening the fridge over and over wishing that Guinness would stop saying "hey there" everytime I get them milk, or eating the last Dilly bar without them finding out). But I only have so long before I hear crying. The room is child-safe, not sibling-violence safe.

All I need to do is something with those walls, which is really fun. I have tons of ideas.

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