Tuesday, September 7, 2010

vintage summer

Grandmaman, summer 1958
She is close to my age in this photo and her first-born son (my dad) would have been close to 2 years old.
Sometimes I think of how similar we can be. She loves making things and is always learing new ways to make things and be creative. She keeps a great collection of suppplies on hand and will start multiple projects all at once. Over time, things do get completed. If she had the online world, like I do, she would have loved it so much. I wonder if she would have had some kind of crafty-mama blog. I think she would have. But she was lucky to have communities of women that she would gather with and share her hobbies with, which is better in many ways too. Her great talents include sewing, knitting, quilting, tatting, crochet, smocking, embroidery, paper tole, porcelain doll-making (for a good while she even had her own kiln), cooking and baking.
And she raised 5 boys. The first three were each one year apart. One thing we don't share, her house-keeping skills, which are far superior to mine!
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  1. I LOVE this photo of Therese....she looks so carefree!

  2. I just remembered she was 4-5 months pregnant with Andre in this photo!
